senior person中文什么意思

发音:   用"senior person"造句
  • senior:    adj. 1.年长的;(同名两人中) ...
  • person:    n. 1.人;个人。 2.〔蔑称〕家 ...
  • be senior to:    比……大; 较年长; 资格老
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更多例句:  下一页
  1. We have a lot of senior persons in the pharmacy domain , with disposed advanced equipment and the instrument with the capability to develop second grade national new medicine
  2. Examples of these are , “ can a senior person learn tai chi chuan ? ” , “ is it easy to learn and master ? ” , “ what do i need ? ” , “ should i know about daoism to learn tai chi chuan ? ” and so on
    其中一个例子是, "一位资深的人学习太极拳" ? " ,是很容易学习和掌握" ? "我需要什麽" ? "我应该知道,道家学太极拳" ?及等等
  3. Dsf adopted a wide definition of " ict disadvantaged " , some possible beneficiaries of dsf supported projects could include , but are not limited to senior persons , people with disabilities , single parent families , low income families , new arrivals and women
  4. Furthermore , enterprise must be wise to gain competition advantage in human resource market , i . e . they must attract , inspirit and retain senior persons with ability of management , who are the key for a top - ranking enterprise to win the competition
  5. In order to make good winning in the competition , they must be wise to gain competition advantage in human resource market by attracting , motivating and retaining senior persons with ability of management , who are the key for a top - ranking enterprise to win the competition


  1. senior operations manager 什么意思
  2. senior operator 什么意思
  3. senior partner 什么意思
  4. senior payroll assistant 什么意思
  5. senior penal officer 什么意思
  6. senior personnel 什么意思
  7. senior personnel officer 什么意思
  8. senior pharmacist 什么意思
  9. senior plans officer 什么意思
  10. senior police observer 什么意思


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